The Mission of the Right Rider Access Fund (RRAF)

Our mission is to promote the safe and responsible use of off-highway vehicles and to preserve their access to appropriate lands.

The RRAF supports riders through two programs:

  • The Safety, Education and Training Support Program will provide funding or other resources for safety, education and training initiatives. Example: training volunteer instructors to provide free ATV RiderCourses to youth riders.
  • The OHV Organization Support Program will provide funding or other resources to national, state, and local OHV rider organizations for projects designed to promote OHV recreation and expand OHV riding opportunities. Example: support for the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council’s annual conference.

RRAF is looking for applicants that match the fund’s priorities:

  • Preservation and restoration of existing OHV trails.
  • Land access; creation and expansion of OHV trails.
  • Safe and responsible land use.
  • Creating safe riders and OHV users, and messaging to always use safety gear.
  • Safe and responsible vehicle operation.

If your group aligns with these priorities or otherwise benefits OHV users, then you may qualify for an RRAF grant. Submit the following application via email to

The grant application cycle is as follows:

  1. November 15 - January 15: Grant applications received
  2. January 15 - February 15: Staff review of applications
  3. February 15 - March 15: Board review and meeting
  4. March 15 - March 30: Grant notifications and fulfillment

RRAF Grant Application